;(function($) {
'use strict';
var Paginator = function() {
return {
// Attributes
obj: null,
options: null,
nav: null,
// Methods
build: function(obj, opts) {
this.obj = obj;
this.options = opts;
if(!this.options.optional || this._totalRows() > this.options.limit) {
if(this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(obj);
return this.obj;
_createNavigation: function() {
_createNavigationWrapper: function() {
this.nav = $('
', {
class: this.options.navigationClass
_createNavigationButtons: function() {
// Add 'first' button
if(this.options.first) {
this._createNavigationButton(this.options.firstText, {
'data-first': true
// Add 'previous' button
if(this.options.previous) {
this._createNavigationButton(this.options.previousText, {
'data-direction': -1,
'data-previous': true
// Add page buttons
for(var i = 0; i < this._totalPages(); ++i) {
this._createNavigationButton(this.options.pageToText(i), {
'data-page': i
// Add 'next' button
if(this.options.next) {
this._createNavigationButton(this.options.nextText, {
'data-direction': 1,
'data-next': true
// Add 'last' button
if(this.options.last) {
this._createNavigationButton(this.options.lastText, {
'data-last': true
_createNavigationButton: function(text, options) {
', $.extend(options, { href: '#', text: text })));
_appendNavigation: function() {
// Add the content to the navigation block
if(this.options.navigationWrapper) this.options.navigationWrapper.append(this.nav);
// Add it after the table
else this.obj.after(this.nav);
_addNavigationCallbacks: function() {
var paginator = this;
paginator.nav.find('a').click(function(e) {
var direction = $(this).data('direction') * 1;
// 'First' button
if($(this).data('first') !== undefined) {
// Page button
else if ($(this).data('page') !== undefined) {
paginator._setPage($(this).data('page') * 1);
// 'Previous' or 'Next' button
else if ($(this).data('previous') !== undefined || $(this).data('next') !== undefined) {
var page = paginator._currentPage() + direction;
if(page >= 0 && page <= paginator._totalPages() - 1) {
// 'Last' button
else if ($(this).data('last') !== undefined) {
paginator._setPage(paginator._totalPages() - 1);
// Handle callback
if(paginator.options.onSelect) paginator.options.onSelect(paginator.obj, paginator._currentPage());
return false;
_setPage: function(index) {
if(index == undefined) index = this.options.initialPage;
// Hide all elements, and then show the current page.
this._rows().hide().slice(index * this.options.limit, (index + 1) * this.options.limit).show();
// Set the current button as active
this.nav.find('a').removeAttr('data-selected').siblings('a[data-page=' + index + ']')
.attr('data-selected', true);
_currentPage: function() {
return this.nav.find('a[data-selected=true]').data('page');
_totalRows: function() {
// Count the total rows of the selector
return this._rows().length;
_rows: function() {
return this.obj.find(this.options.childrenSelector);
_totalPages: function() {
return Math.ceil(this._totalRows() / this.options.limit);
$.fn.paginate = function(options) {
switch(options) {
// Example of custom actions:
// case 'destroy': return pagination.destroy(this);
default: return Paginator().build(this, $.extend( {}, $.fn.paginate.defaults, options));
$.fn.paginate.defaults = {
limit: 20,
initialPage: 0,
previous: true,
previousText: '<',
next: true,
nextText: '>',
first: true,
firstText: '<<',
last: true,
lastText: '>>',
optional: true,
onCreate: null,
onSelect: null,
childrenSelector: 'tbody > tr',
navigationWrapper: null,
navigationClass: 'page-navigation',
pageToText: function(i) { return (i + 1).toString(); }